Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reaction to Class 3/19

It was great to see 3 teaching demonstrations. I've very glad I am signed up to do my demo towards the end because each demo I watch I gain a few more suggestions for my own.

Such as I need to be crystal clear what my purpose is, lay it out, and summarize before I close. I need to remember to pause between sections. If i'm giving a list of 4 things, I need to count what they are each time to make sure they're following me.

Like my professor father says, always do this when doing a presentation: Tell them what you're gonna tell them. Tell them it. Then recap what you just told them.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I agree....with just a little twist --- Tell them what they're going to do (learn), have them actively engage and learn it, then tell them what they did (and learned in the process). Active learning! Yes, it's the whole intro, body, conclusion. It won't be fully necessary for the demo as long as you can get to the middle part quickly!
